Office/Guest Room Virtual Design
There’s been a whole lot of new, wonderful things happening in our world lately. In case you haven’t noticed, the website got a long awaited makeover and we’ve added some new and exciting services to Stephens Style! I can’t wait to get further into the details in the coming weeks but in the mean time, feel free to check out the services tab if you’re interested.
In addition to our new look, we’ve also got a new addition to our work family, someone who actually IS FAMILY! My lovely mother in law has moved back to Texas after several years of living in Missouri and we’re so thrilled to have her back! She’s been staying with us and she’s graciously helping us with the SPG business which has allowed me time to do some major rebranding of Stephens Style and really flesh out some of the ideas I’ve been marinating on for some time now. This week, we found the cutest little 2 bedroom apartment (one could even call it a cottage) not far from our office which means a minimal commute for her. It’s an active senior living community which we’re so excited about because it’ll give her the opportunity to make lots of new friends that she’ll have a great deal in common with. And with that, if she wants to help us with the business from the comfort of her home, she’ll have the space for it! I know that she also wants to be able to have a comfortable guest room so that the rest of the family can come spend some time with her so I put together a couple of virtual design boards with some very affordable choices that she could use to gradually put the room together as she’d like.

Option 1 is light and airy and feminine. It’s spacious and traditional with a slight touch of whimsy due to the sateen cotton bedding which is a perfect compliment to the linen daybed that can easily accommodate 2 guests. Because there are wood floors throughout the space, I wanted to use a rug that would really pull the space together. There’s a window with a view of the green space outside that would be perfect for the desk to face out so she can enjoy the view. Best of all, nothing listed here is over $300 and can be ordered as time and budget allow.

Option 2 is a little more dramatic with rich green velvets and creamy silk bedding. I love the little pompoms on the drapes which keeps it all from feeling too serious and plants just make any room feel alive and fresh. This collection feels sophisticated and elegant which I think any guest would appreciate and again, just like option 1, nothing listed is over $300.
And that’s really the beauty of virtual design. Not everyone has the budget to purchase everything they want at once. Our economy isn’t in the greatest shape, obviously so it’s not uncommon to decorate in phases. This approach lets you shop at will, whether all at once or just a piece at a time. It’s a service I’m offering at a flat rate per room and if you’d like more information about it, feel free to reach out to me and we can discuss!
So which do you prefer? Leave me a comment to let me know and please come back soon. There’s so much more coming to this little slice of internet and I would love your input.
You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram!
Until then, find the beauty. It’s everywhere!